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Billy Crystal once lamented in one of his movies, “Do you ever reach a point in your life when you say, ‘This is the best I’ll ever look; the best I’ll ever feel; the best I’m ever going to do…and it ain’t that great?’”

American culture demands success. People often measure our significance by what we’ve accomplished. From the time our parents applauded our first steps, we have been conditioned to seek approval and acceptance from others by what we do. That fact alone puts unbelievable pressure upon us to succeed. We think we have to earn the right to be loved…to be noticed. Yet what if our life isn’t all that it should be? What if we’re a hot mess? What then?

We all have things in our lives we wish we could change. Things that have brought us nothing but regret and guilt. Things that have caused us to look in the mirror and hate what is being reflected back; hate, what we’ve become and cannot change, even on our best day. Broken relationships, addictions, bad decisions, the pain we’ve caused others and ourselves, have become this mixed-up mess, we call our life. And perhaps, the ugliness of our lives has caused us to go spiraling downward, and we wonder, “Is there a way out?”

The answer is “yes” because the answer is: Grace!

If you’re reading this then you’ve been the recipient of a random act of kindness by someone you don’t know.  They didn’t ask for anything in return for what they did for you; in fact, you probably don’t even know their name.  But they did what they did, simply because they wanted to bless your life with a little kindness.  God does the same thing.  Grace is God’s unexpected kindness.  Grace is God giving to you what you don’t deserve and can never earn.  God’s Grace…his forgiveness and redemption are free of charge because Jesus has already paid the price for you.   God loves you…not because you’ve earned that love, but just because….

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever  believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

Jesus died so that you could have the guilt of your past washed away.  He can hit the delete key on the mess that is your life.  And if you give his grace a chance, Jesus Can Change Everything”.

Like to learn more:  watch this video:

To contact us if we can help you further:  [email protected]

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