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Adult Bible Study



Scratching the Infinite Word with a Finite Mind 

“Worship is a way of gladly reflecting back to God the radiance of His worth.  This cannot be done by mere acts of duty.  It can be done only when spontaneous affections arise in the heart.” – Unknown


Nothing divides Christians like the subject and reality of worship.  When it comes to worship, every Christian has his or her preferences, favorite songs, and what they like and do not like.  But what is worship?  And is it really all about what we want?  Or is it about what God wants?


When we view Luke 7:36-50 we must ask ourselves this  question in all sincerity of heart:  “Why did you come for worship, today?”  Did you come to be seen; or simply out of habit?  Did you come because you had no other choice or was it guilt that got you through the door?  Was it your need for God or was it merely a habitual weekly thing you do because it’s what you did the week before. What really is worship?


Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm in Building A for this important journey as we discover how to worship in Spirit and Truth.

If you would like a digital copy of any one of these studies, please email Pastor Chris at: [email protected]



Adult Bible Studies

Foothills has 8 Different Adult Bible Studies that meet on separate days throughout the week from which you can choose:


Women’s Bible Studies

Tuesday Evenings @ 6pm Currently on break.


Summit – Young Adult Discipleship

Every other Monday @ 5:30pm at FSBC in Building A

Contact: Pastor Chris:  [email protected] if interested in when the next meeting time is.


Adult Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm at FSBC in Building A, East side  by Pastor Chris


Islam Discipleship Group

Join us at Tarek and Nancy Islam’s home on Thursday Evenings @ 5:30pm.

Contact: Pastor Chris:  [email protected] if interested.


Sundays @ 9:15am

Bible Study in Building A East side taught by Chris Whitney

Bible Study in Building A West side taught by David Hernandez

Bible Study in Building D taught by Greg Pritchett


Each Sunday Morning study follows Lifeway’s walk through the Bible which changes quarterly throughout the year





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