928-342-3557 [email protected]

About Our Church

Foothills Southern Baptist Church is a body of born-again believers who are in love with Jesus Christ.  A place where the Word of God is preached, taught, and believed to be God’s inerrant, authoritative revelation of himself to humanity. A church that believes in taking the gospel into our community and across the globe in order to change the, world one person at time.


To Reach Out with God’s Love to Impact Lives


Our core values are the atmosphere; the culture and heartbeat of our church.
Core Value 1:

It’s about what He wants, not me wants! John 4:34

In John 4:34, we hear Jesus say, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to finish his work.” If there is any organization that should be committed to doing the will of God; and to finish the work he gave us to do, it’s the church. We are his people, our desire ought to reflect that of our Master. The work of Jesus Christ on earth has not ended with his ascension…it continues through his church; through us! What a powerful thought and reality that is! That we are the work of God on earth to do the Father’s will, and to finish his work. And what is that work? It’s to give everyone around us an opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to it.

Core Value 2:

It’s about the Gospel, not the rituals. John 4:13-26

From the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan woman in John 4:13-26, we have learned that the work which needs to be finished has nothing to do with the maintenance of religious rituals; but it has everything to do with the proclamation of the gospel to a lost, messed up and broken world. Our goal as a church is, not to be a place where people go through the motions of religious ceremony, but at Foothills, our church seeks to be a well, where lost people can find that one drop of living water that Christ gives to the spiritually thirsty.

Core Value 3:

It’s about disciple-making not crowd-building. 2 Timothy 2:2

From Paul’s command to young Timothy, we learn that we must no longer be obsessed with simply building the biggest crowd in town. What good is a crowd of people who have no idea what it means to be a disciple? What we want to see is a church of disciples who know how to make disciples; people who are growing deeper in their passion, Biblical understanding, and commitment to follow Jesus even when the road becomes difficult. We are seeking to become a place where everyone is being mentored or is mentoring someone else in the faith.

Core Value 4:

It’s about changing the world not merely existing within it. Revelation 3:15

From Revelation 3:15, we learn that Jesus wants his churches to make a positive and marked difference in the world for good. Jesus wants us to either to be hot or cold; either healing and restorative or refreshingly revitalizing to those who have been spiritually beaten up by the world. As a church, we want to change the world for someone…not merely just to take up space within it. That’s what we long to be; a church that changes the world for good and for God, one person at time!

Core Value 5:

It’s about trusting God not human innovation. 2 Corinthians 4:2-3

From 2 Corinthians, we learn that instead of coming up with our own solutions; instead of trying to manipulate people through political maneuvering; and clever human innovation. We instead commit ourselves to pray; to ask, to seek and knock. We commit ourselves to rest in Providence. We commit ourselves to be men and women of honor who do God’s work in God’s way.

Our Team

Worship Times


What Kind of Sermons does the Pastor Preach?

Pastor Chris preaches expository, or what is known as exegetical sermons which means that he seeks to expose the meaning and intent of a biblical text; providing commentary, explanation, illustration in order so that the Christian can apply the Scripture to their individual life.

Why do people bring their Bibles to church?

People bring their Bible’s to church so that they can see for themselves what the Biblical text actually says.  As Bible-believers, we believe that the Bible itself, not the Bible Teacher, is the final authority.  Therefore, we always judge everything that is taught to us by study the Scriptures.  So, we bring the Bible with us when we worship.

What is the Deacon of the Week?

Our deacons are servant-leaders within the church, and as such, they take turns being on call for any emergencies or needs of the people during the week to which they are assigned.  They also are responsible to insure the security of the campus each night when the church is not meeting.

How would I get a Bible if I don’t have one?

Our church has many Bibles, both new and used, that you can receive for free.  If you would like one, just simply come by the office during the week during office hours and we will give you one.

Does the Church have a library?

Yes we do.  It is located in the Resource Room in Building A.  There are books, videos, Bible studies and reference material that you can check out (borrow); and books that you can have for free.  Come by the Office during office hours; or visit during Sundays or Wednesday evenings.

Why does the Church do Outreach Campaigns?

Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20 to go into the world in which God has placed us and seek to make disciples of all nations.  “Going” is an intentional command that means we ought not wait for the lost to come to us but that we must take the initiative to go where the lost are and bring them the good news of the Gospel.  We do two major campaigns a year:  One in the Fall and one in the Spring which provide our people with creative ways to engage others with the gospel.

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